I’ve been a member of GoodLife Fitness for just over a week now, and I have to say that I actually enjoy it. I really had no idea of everything that a gym can offer. I thought it was all about treadmills, and bikes, and men pumping weights. But it’s not! They have classes, awesome leg lift machines, 20-minute Fit Fix Circuit workout, and even more classes! As you can probably tell I’m very excited about the classes. That is the selling point in getting a gym membership.
I’ve been thinking about taking up yoga for a while, but never really got my butt in gear to do it. GoodLife offers a class called BodyFlow that involves yoga, tai chi AND Pilates all wrapped into one class. SOLD!
So bright and early Sunday morning (ahem 11 a.m.) I headed on over to the gym to go to my very first BodyFlow class. I took a friend with me because it’s always better to have a friend to laugh with when you have no clue what you are doing. Overall, I think it went very well and we didn’t get too lost. I will definitely be going to this class once a week. :)
But classes aren’t all I’m gonna be doing. I enjoy the elliptical, and even though I have one that’s collecting dust in my basement, the gym setting is much more enjoyable for some reason. I push myself to stay on for a half-hour because people could be watching and think that I’m ‘giving up’ if I take mini-breaks in between like I do at home. Nope, not at the gym, I push on through the hurt! And soon I will try the 20-minute Fit Fix Circuit workout on my own. Yeah muscle strengthening!
I wanted to go to a gym to start feeling better. I should not feel like an 80 year old at 24. And even just after a week I’m starting to feel better. And whether I’m actually feeling more energized or it’s all in my head – I don’t care, because in the words of Michael BublĂ©, I’m feeeeeling gooooood!
So don’t be surprised if next time you see me I look like this, minus that face, and of course minus the fake tan.